I find this media release and the associated web site of great interest. It just goes to show that the Grey Nomads are worth a lot more than just the $$$ they inject into a community. What is more surprising in this particular case is that Barcaldine, not that long ago, developed quite a reputation when a local caravan park operator with help from his association tried to get the show-grounds closed down to camping. Caused quite a furore in the RV world and the local community and they (the narky CP owner and his association) even managed to get the laws changed in Queensland, (which still need to be changed back), something about competitive neutrality (whatever that means, political speak for we want it our way).
But what it really shows is the generosity of the Grey Nomad community in spite of everything.
MEDIA RELEASE - Release #10
For immediate release 16th March 2010
For more information: contact: Program Coordinator Douglas Stewart
It is with much anticipation that the communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council welcome the start to the tourist season as travellers start to appear in Western Queensland.
All communities in our region have got behind the Barcaldine Regional Council Grey Nomad Volunteer Program, said the program Coordinator Doug Stewart, registering a wide range of community projects that they hope to attract the assistance of Grey Nomad Volunteers to help complete, he said. The program had been a great success for local communities in 2009 with a large quantity of work completed with the valuable assistance of Grey Nomad Volunteers travelling through our region, he said. The program's success is obviously spreading as I have also received many enquiries about the program from communities all around our region, Doug said, from Birdsville in the south west to Mackay to the north, he said.
In 2009 Volunteers assisted Barcaldine community groups with:
Carpentry repairs
Computer work: installation and data entry
Landscape gardening
Sewing lessons
Designing and making garments for NAIDOC week fashion parade
One on one reading at the State School
Serviced and assembled push bikes for State School
Sharpened tools for Manual Arts Class at State School
Built shelving
Repaired grave stones RSL
Made new grave stones - RSL
Fixed downpipes and locks
Entertained hospital patients
Furniture restoration
Fixed sound system Radio Theatre
Done surveys
Assisted at Revfest
Fixed hand rails
Cleaned carpets
Cleaned breeze air filters
Community groups and communities in and around our region are encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator if they would like more information about the workings of the program.
It is hoped that in the long term that volunteers who have worked in the Barcaldine Region can then be informed about programs operating in other communities in Queensland that are on their travel route.
Project Registration forms are available by contacting the program Coordinator on 07 46515600.
Do not hesitate to contact the coordinator if you have any queries about the program"
Douglas Stewart Grey Nomad Program Coordinator
Barcaldine Regional Council PO Box 191 BARCALDINE QLD 4725. Ph: 07 46515600 Fax: 07 46511778
Email: douglass@barcaldinerc.qld.gov.au
Have a look their website here: http://greynomadproject.jimdo.com/
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